Yuxing Technology in Hong Kong Buys 78.2 Bitcoin for $6.3M – CoinAero

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Yuxing Technology, a publicly listed company in Hong Kong, has made significant moves in the cryptocurrency market. Between July 25 and December 31, 2024, the company purchased 78.2 Bitcoin at an average price of $80,960 per unit, totaling $6.3 million. In order to fund this purchase, Yuxing has to sell 6.3 million USDT at an average price of $1 per unit. 

The USDT proceeds were directly converted into Bitcoin, which shows how confident the firm is in crypto assets. Bitcoin is slightly out of focus from its last $100K mark and currently trading around $95K, though the market is bullish that it will get an upward boost this year with industry support. 

Proposal to Add Bitcoin to Hong Kong’s Reserves

In a related development, Wu Jiexhuang, a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and chairman of the Web3 Virtual Asset Development Subcommittee, suggested that Bitcoin should be included in the region’s financial reserves. According to him it is a strategic move to bring financial stability to the country and will reduce dependency on traditional assets. 

Jiexhuang highlighted the importance of leveraging Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems” framework to explore innovative financial strategies. He claimed that if major economies in the world start adding Bitcoin to their reserves, its value will stabilize, encouraging other countries to follow suit. Hence as an outcome, it will actually drop the value of traditional assets, impacting government reserves tied to those assets.

Institutions are betting big on Bitcoin as it soars! Read Bitcoin price prediction to see how the bullish market could push it to new heights!

Efforts to Enhance Crypto Infrastructure

To stay ahead in the crypto game, The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) launched a Virtual Asset Index Series earlier this year. This index will provide a reliable price benchmark that will be set for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) pricing in Asia, to address the global price fluctuations. 

Moreover, Hong Kong regulators are also about to finalize licensing for several crypto exchanges, including Crypto.com which shows the region’s commitment to become the fintech crypto hub in the world. Crypto is slow at the moment in Hong Kong due to regulations and licensing issues with crypto exchanges yet investors are confident that Bitcoin will give maximum returns than traditional assets.

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Trump’s Bitcoin Reserve plan has created a global impact and countries are debating whether to add Bitcoin to their mainstream financing model. Growing investor confidence shows that big bulls are ready to go all out for Bitcoin.

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