Tether Teams Up with US Lawmakers to Influence Stablecoin Rules – CoinAero

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Tether is the most prominent player in the stablecoin market. It has a market cap of nearly $142,009,666,873. A statement posted on X by acclaimed business journalist Eleanor Terrett reveals that Tether is working with US lawmakers to develop a clear stablecoin regulatory framework in the country. Interestingly, as many as three stablecoin bills were introduced in the US House and Senate in the recent past. Here is everything you should know about the development. 

Tether’s Role in US Stablecoin Regulation 

The X post by Eleanor states that Tether is working with US lawmakers to develop a clear stablecoin regulatory framework. 

In the post, Eleanor notes that Tether CEO paolo ardoino

EntrepreneurDeveloper/ProgrammerFinanceChief Technology Officer

confirmed the company’s commitment to support lawmakers to create the best stablecoin regulatory framework for the country. 

She also emphasises that Ardoino, referring to the three stablecoin bills tabled in the US lawmaking houses lately, expressed his company’s intention to support the evolution process of these bills through meaningful advice. 

She also mentions that the Tether CEO is very keen to ensure that his company’s voice should not go unnoticed. 

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Stablecoin Bills Under Discussion 

As mentioned earlier, at least three stablecoin bills were tabled in the lawmaking houses in the US last week. 

The STABLE Act was introduced by Bryan Steil, the chairman of the Financial Committee Digital Assets Subcommittee, and French Hill, a senior Congressman. The act targets to create a regulatory framework for stablecoins with bipartisan backing. Currently, it is under review. 

The GENIUS Act was tabled by Bill Hagerty, an influential senator. The bill proposes federal oversight of payment stablecoins while preserving state regulatory authority. Notably, it has secured bipartisan support. 

A stablecoin bill was also submitted by Maxine Waters, a senior lawmaker. If this bill is passed, it would require issuers to register and maintain one-to-one reserves backed by US currency or approved assets. 

There are reports that the lawmaking houses aim to finalise the bills by April. 

In conclusion, while stablecoins regulations are moving forward, Tether is positioning itself as an active player in shaping US stablecoin policies. The company remains committed to compliance but wants to ensure its voice is heard in legislative discussions. 

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