“Senate Blocks Crenshaw SEC Re-Nomination: Impact on Crypto” – CoinAero

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The U.S. Senate has decided not to re-nominate Caroline Crenshaw to stay as an SEC Commissioner. This is a big deal for the crypto world because Crenshaw has been against crypto. The majority of the lawyer’s community has voiced against her renomination with over 107,000 emails from crypto supporters, helping block her re-nomination. Now, everyone is eyeing a pro-SEC Commissioner who might be more supportive of cryptocurrencies.

What’s Happening at the SEC?

Caroline Crenshaw, who has been a Commissioner at the SEC since 2022, is known for being tough on crypto. As per Elenor Terror, Fox Business Journalist the Senate decided not to move forward with her re-nomination, leaving a spot open at the SEC. This is important because the SEC controls rules for financial markets, including crypto. Apart from Crenshaw’s exit, Gary Gensler, the SEC Chairman, is also expected to leave in January. Gensler has been tough on crypto, but his replacement, Paul Atkins, is expected to be more supportive of the industry. This could mean fewer regulations and more freedom for crypto to grow.

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Who Could Replace Crenshaw?

By law, Crenshaw’s replacement must be a Democrat, and several potential candidates are already being discussed. One of the top names is Chris Brummer, a Georgetown law professor who was close to becoming the head of the CFTC in 2021. Another strong contender is TuongVy Le, who works as the general counsel for Anchorage Digital, a crypto bank. These candidates are seen as more crypto-friendly. Other names being floated include Jai Messai, a blockchain expert, and Carla Carriveau, an advisor to the New York Department of Financial Services.

Why This is Important for Crypto

With new leadership at the SEC, Senator Cynthia Lummis predicts that 2025 will be a Bitcoin year, along with David Sacks serving as the crypto czar. This optimism is further boosted by Crypto.com dropping its lawsuit against the SEC after meetings with political leaders, including President-elect Donald Trump, to discuss future crypto-friendly appointments. There is also buzz that the new chair may dismiss all pending crypto cases starting with Ripple.  

We have to wait and watch if Trump manages to make these strategic changes in top administration as it is very crucial if he wants his Bitcoin Strategic Reserve plan to succeed.

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