Qatar’s New Digital Asset Regulations – CoinAero

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Key takeaways:

  • QFC, a Doha, Qatar-based business center, has unveiled a complete framework for managing and producing digital assets.
  • The release states that the framework would guarantee the security, transparency, and compliance with international standards of the QFC’s digital asset ecosystem.

Qatar Financial Centre (QFC), a Doha, Qatar-based business center, has unveiled a complete framework for managing and producing digital assets. 

The Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFCA) and Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA), which oversee the QFC, have unveiled a framework that provides the groundwork for digital assets within the QFC. 

Tokenization procedures, the legal acknowledgement of property rights in tokens and underlying assets, custody arrangements, transfer, and exchange are all covered by the regulations. Furthermore, the framework includes clauses that address smart contracts’ legal recognition. 

The QFC has its own legal, regulatory, tax, and business structure apart from the rest of Qatar, much like free economic zones in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which run separately from the mainland.

Up to 100% foreign ownership and 100% profit repatriation are permitted under the QFC. Additionally, it levies a competitive 10% corporate tax on earnings from domestically produced goods.

The release states that the framework would guarantee the security, transparency, and compliance with international standards of the QFC’s digital asset ecosystem. According to the QFC, the framework establishes guidelines for asset tokenization. In addition, it seeks to guarantee confidence and trust among stakeholders, service providers, and customers. 

The recently released regulations, according to His Excellency Sheikh Bandar bin Mohammed bin Saoud Al Thani, Governor of the Central Bank of Qatar, are a significant step towards implementing the nation’s “Third Financial Sector Strategy.” He thinks the framework will give Qatar’s finance industry a lot of opportunity. 

Qatar initiated its Third Financial Sector Strategy in November 2023 with the aim of establishing a capital market to facilitate the nation’s economic development. “Embracing emerging technologies” is part of the goal of quickening the digital transformation. 

Industry stakeholders were consulted and collaborated to create the digital assets framework. As to the QFC, an advisory committee comprising of 37 domestic and foreign organizations operating in the finance, technological, and legal sectors assisted in its development. 

The QFC further stated that since establishing its Digital Assets Lab in October 2023, it has granted over 20 businesses the opportunity to create, test, and market their goods and services.

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